Frohling Family Light Show is created by a combination of creativity and technology. We do not use the typical LED lights that you can get from your local big box store. Each of our "lights" are actually LED pixels and each pixel has at least one computer chip attached to it.
There are three main components to the actual hardware associated with making our lights work. These three main components are 1) light source (generally pixels), 2) a method to control the light source (controller board), and 3) a power source.
In 2022 our Halloween show contained 16,883 pixels, 7 controller boards, 11 power supplies, and 4 Raspberry Pi. In 2023, our Christmas show will likely be close to 75,000 pixels.
This hobby is truly a DIY event. It takes a lot of time to create a show. There are three basic phases to setting up your light show. Phase I consists of planning exactly what you want to accomplish and purchasing all the components that you need for the plans you have laid out. Ideally, this phase is completed before mid-January (yes, mid-January). Phase II can take place before or after Phase III. This phase consists of building all the props you wish to have, building all the controller boxes you will need, and setting up the layout as you expect it to happen. Phase III consists of the "programming". There are a few different types of software that you can use to set up your show. I use Xlights (free software).
This is a very fun yet time consuming hobby. We are willing to help anyone who is interested in adding this additional flare to their homes. Please feel free to send a message if you are interested in possibly joining this hobby.